Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Fiat, Amen

This quote seemed perfect for today, which is both New Year's Day and (in the Catholic Church) the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God, who said "yes" not only at the Annunciation, but also every day, every year, in all the little things of everyday life.

O Jesus, I see this new year as a blank page that our Father is giving me, upon which he will write day by day what he has arranged for me in his divine pleasure. With full confidence I am writing at the top of the page from now on: Lord, do with me what you will. And at the bottom I have already put my "amen" to every disposition of your divine will. Yes, O Lord, I say "yes" to all the joys, to all the sorrows, to all the graces, to all the hardships that you have prepared for me and which you will be revealing to me day by day. Let my "amen" be the Paschal amen, always followed by alleluia, uttered with all my heart in the joy of perfect giving. Give me your love and your grace and I shall be rich enough.

~Sr. Carmela of the Holy Ghost


  1. Great post. When I started reading I thought you were quoting from The Practice of the of the Presence of God by Br. Lawrence, A Carmelite monk who lived in the 1600s.

  2. Happy New Year! And thanks for the tip regarding Br. Lawrence.

  3. I forgot something important. If you look for the book. I have a Kindle copy. I do not remember if I got it on Amazon, Project Gutenberg, or the Internet Archive.
